
How To Check A Company Is Registered Or Not

Ministry of Corporate Affairs (MCA) is a government portal containing details of all the companies incorporated in Republic of india. It has details of all the types of companies and Limited Liability Partnership (LLP).

One can bank check the Company registration number, type of company, appointment of incorporation, charges of a company, directors of the visitor, etc. from the site. The balance sheets and other documents of a visitor forth with almanac returns are besides available on the website on payment of appropriate fees.

Steps to Check Visitor Registration Status

Step ane: Go to the MCA website

Stride 2:Go to the 'MCA Services' tab. In the driblet-downwardly click on 'View Company/LLP Master Data'.

Step 3: Enter the visitor CIN. Enter the captcha code. Click on 'Submit'.

You lot tin can too search for CIN by clicking on the search icon abreast the 'Company/LLP Name' field.

The result page will testify the following details inter-alia:

  • CIN
  • Name of Visitor
  • ROC lawmaking
  • Visitor registration number
  • Visitor category
  • Class of company
  • Date of Incorporation
  • Authorised and paid-upwards capital
  • Number of members
  • Date of incorporation
  • Registered address and email
  • Assets under charge
  • Details of all the directors of the company

Frequently Asked Questions

What is CIN?

The Corporate Identification Number (CIN) is a 21 digits blastoff-numeric code issued to companies on existence registered past the Registrar of Companies (ROCs) situated in unlike states across Republic of india under the Ministry building of Corporate Affairs (MCA). The CIN is the unique identification number of a company and must be entered in all the forms required to be filed by the company on the MCA portal.

What is ROC?

The Registrar of Companies ( ROC ) is an role under the MCA, which deals with the assistants of companies in India. The  Registrar of Companies (ROCs) is operating in all the major states/UT'southward. The ROCs register companies across the states and the UTs, maintain a registry of records concerning companies that are registered with them and let the general public to access this data on payment of a stipulated fee.

What are avails under charge?

A charge ways a right or interest obtained by a creditor or lender in the holding of the company by way of security that the company volition pay back the debt. A visitor's borrowings are backed by securities, on the strength of which loans are given to them by the banks and financial institutions. Avails under charge are the assets of the company upon which a charge is created for the company's borrowing.

Every company creating or modifying a charge on its property or avails should register the particulars of charge with the ROC within xxx days of such creation. The company registration search provides the details of the assets nether the charge of the visitor registered with the ROC.

What is DIN?

DIN or Managing director Identification Number is a unique Identification Number allotted to the person appointed as a managing director of a company. A DIN can be acquired by filling the SPICe grade at the time of incorporation of the company.

What is the SPICe+ class?

The Simplified Proforma for Incorporating Company Electronically or SPICe+ helps comprise a company with a single application for:

  • The reservation of name;
  • Awarding for allocation of DIN;
  • Incorporation of a new company; and
  • Resource allotment of PAN and TAN.

The class integrates many steps that were earlier private forms into a unmarried process and makes the visitor formation process fourth dimension-efficient.

What is DSC? Is information technology mandatory to file the SPICe+ (INC-32) and RUN?

DSC refers to a Digital Signature Certificate. Information technology must exist obtained from a certifying agency that has been recognized by the government. Since the registration process is now online, all the forms crave a valid DSC. The cost of DSC acquisition may vary, largely depending on the certifying bureau that information technology may be purchased from. To file a SPICe+ (INC – 32) form, you need to have a DSC, however, for accessing the RUN and filing you exercise not require a DSC.

What is RUN?

Reservation of name or RUN is a web service used for reserving a name for a new company or to change the proper noun for any existing visitor. All the same, from 23rd February 2020, the proper noun of the visitor needs to be reserved in the SPICe+ grade. RUN service is used to change the proper name of the visitor.

Related Articles: – Know All About MCA Portal

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